Mentoring or coaching
"Coaching works because it's all about you. When you connect with what you really want and why - and take action - magical things can happen."
Emma-Louise Elsey
Last year a short course “Essential Coaching Skills” opened again my learning appetite for this area. And after doing public speaking coaching and mentoring for years by now, I started looking to have a world-wide known coaching diploma in order to practice it more often and in other areas, as well. So, in October I enrolled in a coaching school – looking to get my certification. After a thorough research, the choice was in the favor of the school that offers me the means to get a double certification from ICF (International Coaching Federation) and from EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council).
In Toastmasters I practice both: mentoring with the new members that are still searching for their path in public speaking, coaching with the more experience members because for them is more about finding “their inner voice” and the develop on what they know already and they don’t need support into finding a way, but they need a safe space to explore and bounce ideas.
Maybe you wonder what is there a difference between coaching and mentoring? Both look to bring up the potential in the learner.
A mentor – is somebody that has experience in that area of expertise and answers direct questions, provides sources for information. The communication is structured and based on the past experience of the mentor. This can be a long term relationship.
A coach – is somebody that doesn’t need the experience in your field, asks open questions meant to enable self discovery of the cochee / client. This kind of relationship is a short term one that dissipates false beliefs. And this process can be taken upon in any kind of situation.
What they have in comun? Supportive learning relationship, based on the use of one-to-one discussions, aimed to help the coachee/mentee to get ahead, overcome obstacles, learn & develop.
What do you need in both cases? Active listening skills, the ability to ask open questions, to make sure you listen to understand not to reply (using clarification and reframing) and an open mind / heart!
Can you have both from the same person - yes! But ethically you need to know at all time what is the state of your relationship. So if you need a mentoring session you ask for one, but if you start a coaching session and at one point the coach sees that is going in the different direction he/she needs to pause and clarify your expectations.
Are you looking for a coach? Here I am! :)