Happiness Day
Do more of what makes you happy!
Today is Happiness International Day, and for me challenges are what makes me realise just how lucky I am! So I challenge myself to draw a list of 10 reason why I am a happy person, why I laugh with all my heart making everybody around me to look up and see what is all about:
1. Mom - because she taught me to trust myself and that everything I do is wonderful and get her support no matter how crazy it may be.
2. My body - because it allows me to dance, to talk, it gets me anywhere my mind can think of și because when I pay attention to it is a wonderful mechanism that works like a clock!
3. Past, present and future love stories - that made me a better person!
4. My job - I do what I love and I am surrounded of amazing people.
5. My hobbies - they keep me smiling all the time: the painting, the writing and the public speaking!
6. My car and the journeys she carried me and will carry me still.
7. Each minute that I am lucky enough to live it.
8. The books that past my way and the music that I listen while I read or that they help me discover.
9. People I meet and their stories, a permanent inspiration and reasons to enjoy that I am me, here, now!
10. My best friend Madlene - the second person after my mom that shows me support no matter what crazy ideas I have, she knows how and when to kick me over the head when is necessary and always has an ear and a tissue close by for my inner demons and fights. And, on top of all she writes the most amazing poems!
I close the circle with point 10 because they are the constants in my life!
And what is a challenge without other to support you, I challenge you my reader to make the same exercise for you, take a piece of paper and a pencil, and write down what makes you happy, and then do them often!