Dry hair - oh How I Care!
“It doesn’t matter if your life is perfect as long as your hair color is.”
Stacy Snapp Killian
Within a year, my hair was dyed at least 5 different colors from red to blond-gray, brick, copper, light black and now I have a caramel with blonde streaks. Practically I had about three treatments with powder, since I had red hair for the past 100 years. The red pigment is very difficult to remove (so I was told). Add to that the fact that my hair has natural shades of red - I have no idea from where since I am part of a family of dark hair people (brunettes).
Countless people were amazed when I appear each time with different color hair. They asked how it stays hydrated and I still have all my hair, without losing the biggest part of it.
Well, I have 3 natural secrets that I will share with you. In addition, choose the correct shampoo for your scalp happy (may be one of 5 lei or one of 100 lei). Use it only after your hair is wet really good, from root to tip. After that rinse your hair extremely well with warm water, not hot. Now let’s see nature’s remedies for dyed hair:
Olive oil mixed with country egg yolk. Pasta you get from mixing them place it on the root on fresh washed hair, first. If you still have someplace it on the length of your hair. Cover your head with a towel you've previously heated. After 40 minutes shampoo it again, fully and you can use conditioner if you want. Repeat once per week. After using 3 time this receipt you will get a hair regeneration: very shiny, hydrated and easy to comb.
Olive oil put on your freshly washed hair. Let it stay while you're showering or bathing. Afterwards shampoo it, I don’t use conditioner since it is quite soft after this treatment, but it's your choice.
Oil or coconut butter, as I have seen it sometimes in stores - after you've finished washing, before you dry your hair use a grain of oil (usually lies in solid form), not bigger than a nail. Rub it in your palms and then move them over the ends of the hair. Then dry your mane normally. You will have less dates with the scissors, your hair will be hydrated - being and looking more healthy.
My hair is oily, however none of the treatments resulted in an aggressive greasiness. It is true that rinsing and shampooing are two processes very important for me, a real mindfulness ritual that I do in a very aware way. Try all of them and see what suits you, you can replace the olive oil with smash avocado, it's not my cup of tea but it saves time, so it's a solution ;).
Looking forward to know your opinion about these 3 :)