Blame the Millennials!
Millennials are the blame of the century - for the changes at the work place, for the way we shop, or aren’t they?
One of the first things you learn when you go to the speakers' area is the public's analysis, if you do not give them something to interest them, they will leave you talking by yourself. When you pass to the education side, everything you learned at the beginning of public speaking will help you every moment to support your course or training or workshop. And if by now you didn't understood a thing, I say it simpler, whether you are an orator or a trainer, it is always about them (those in the room) and not about you. Since I try to understand my learning style but also to adapt to the learning styles of those around me or in my classroom, I read everything from the education area. So this article is about the ways of learning based on the generation they belong to.
As you probably know in recent years, there has been an acute differentiation on generations - on the style of everybody's learning, integration into society, what expectations each one has and what it offers. A generation means all people born and living at the same time, taken collectively. You may heard of the term "Baby Bloomers" are those born after the Second World War, or a home example Revolution's Generation - all born in Romania in 1989.
But to understand better, it is necessary to start with the beginning, after Baby Bloomers crowded between the present and the past is generation X or MTV - born between 1960 and the early 1980s, are the least generous generation since the contraceptive pill appeared in the early 60s and made births experience a massive decline. Generation X are recognized for the entrepreneurial spirit given by the rapid changes known during their adolescence and youth. Research describes them as active, happy adults who know how to achieve a balance between work and personal life. Is the generation in which the education has been faulty, the integration of the mother into the workforce, and the lack of active involvement in supervision after classes has made the Xs to be cynical, skeptical, independent, and accustomed to learning in their own pace and time.
Here follow Generation Y or Millennials - a term that I'm sure you heard it at least once in the past week because we are assaulted by it from all environments. It is the generation born in 1980 and going to the early 2000s, born in the Internet age and the rapid development of digital communication, are recognised for their familiarity with online environment. They tend to be optimistic, they expect immediate feedback, they are not accustomed in receiving constructive feedback (negative), they have very short attention span, they are accustomed to being pampered, they are team-oriented and strong. As digital natives they expect everything to be online and fast.
The next generation is the Z one - but because I want to leave you with a positive tone, I will not enumerate their qualities, but instead share with you a short movie about how Y Generation integrates, how it learns and how they adapt. With graphic facilitation, and narration of Simon Sinek British author, motivational speaker and marketer known for his 2009 Leadership, Best-Selling Book, "Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action.”